
Pokédex App

The Pokedex App is a simple web application that allows users to explore information about various Pokémon. It demonstrates proficiency in JavaScript, DOM manipulation, API integration, and other web development skills learned during the course.

PokeDex App Screenshot

MyFlix Movie API

This is the server side application for MyFlix, a movie database application. It includes the backend API for managing users, movies, and user interactions.

Movie API App Screenshot

MyFlix React UI

The MyFlix client-side application is a React-based web application that allows users to explore a collection of movies, manage their profiles, and interact with their favorite movies. The application features a responsive design, user authentication, and dynamic routing.

App Screenshot

Meet App

A serverless, progressive web application (PWA) made with React using test-driven development (TDD). The application utilizes the AWS Cloud for serverless functions and the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events.

Meet App Screenshot

MyFlix Angular UI

The AngularFlix client-side application is a web platform enabling users to browse a diverse movie collection, manage profiles, and interact with favorite films. This Angular-powered application boasts responsive design, user authentication, and dynamic routing for seamless navigation.

App Screenshot

React Native Chat App

A mobile chat application using React Native, providing users with a seamless chat interface along with the ability to share images and locations.


Recipify is a sleek and user-friendly web application designed to help users discover, share, and manage recipes effortlessly. Built using Django, the app features a welcoming homepage, a comprehensive recipe list, detailed recipe views, and advanced search functionality.